日経新聞の姉妹紙、Nikkei Asian Reviewより取材を受け、Chefs for the Blueに触れていただいた記事が4月7日に掲載されました。
タイトルは、”Asia’s Top Chefs Go Green(アジアのトップシェフが環境志向に)”。執筆されたロン・グルックマン氏はバンコク在住、環境問題に造詣が深いアメリカ人ジャーナリストです。アジアの多くのシェフ達の活動を例に挙げ、その動きの背景から書き起こした読み応えのある記事になっています。
Sustainability in cuisine is an especially hot topic in Japan, according to Hiroko Sasaki, a food writer who helped organize Chefs for the Blue, a group of 30 Japanese chefs who meet monthly to share ideas their ideas on such issues. This is particularly important to Japan when it comes to preserving seafood resources. There are growing concerns about declining stock & overfishing. “It’s a crisis. Last year’s catch was down a third from 30 years ago,” said Sasaki. “Japan is way behind on this.” Although Japan seafood is meticulously scrutinized in terms of processing & preparation, “there is no information about sourcing,” she noted.
Mobilizing chefs is important to heighten public awareness of the need for conservation since change comes when consumers demand it. “Tokyo is the city with the most Michelin restaurants in the world,” she added. “We can make a difference.”